This page is dedicated to questions frequently asked by Beamont parents and carers. If you are still unsure about anything, please contact our school office.

Presently the daily cost is £2.60, paid through ParentPay online. You must make sure your account is in credit at the beginning of each school day.

We operate on staggered start times.

Reception: 8.50am

Year 1: 8.40am

Year 2: 8.40am

Year 3: 8.45am

Year 4: 8.45am

Year 5: 8.50am

Year 6: 8.50am

For more information, please view the School Day page here.

We expect all children to wear uniform to school. Please click here for more information on what should be worn.

Touchline supply our school jumper/cardigans and Beamont school tie. These can be purchased directly from Touchline.

Touchline UK 
Liverpool Road

01925 413777


An application form for nursery can be obtained from the school office or visit here.

Main School - Admissions into Reception Class:

By law children must receive full-time education from the beginning of the school term following their fifth birthday. Contact Miss Holmes to arrange a virtual visit or for more information. Applications can be made by visiting here.

Warrington Borough Council Admissions Coordinate Places: 

The number of places available at school is published annually and the school cannot exceed that number, which is allocated with regards to available accommodation within the school. There are 60 main school places in each year group. 

WBC has admissions appeal procedure. For further details regarding appeals or school admissions, please contact 01925 446226.

There are multiple members of staff to contact at school, dependent on the nature of your query.

All calls: 01925 630143 - a member of the school office will forward your call to the relevant person.

School Office: beamont.office@wpat.uk

We do not have car parking facilities on site. Our school gates are closed at all times and vehicles are not allowed on site between 08:40 - 09:10 and 15:00 - 15:30. The school is situated on residential roads and we ask parents to park legally with due consideration for our neighbours. For those parents/carers with blue badges, we have a disabled space at the front of school.

Yes, your child can cycle if they are accompanied by an adult or if you give permission for them to cycle alone or with friends. A secure cycle park is provided on site, although all bicycles are left at own risk.

All children in KS1 must be accompanied by an adult.

If you wish for an older child to walk to school alone we must receive a permission letter from the parent with parental responsibility. This information will be held on their data collection sheet.

We always promote healthy eating and encourage our parents to make healthy choices when putting together a packed lunch for their child.

Please be aware that we are a NUT FREE school. We have children at school with allergies who would require medical assistance if they came into contact with nuts. Therefore, please ensure that your child's snack and packed lunch do not contain nuts.

Parents must label clothing. If an item goes missing your child must inform the class teacher and teaching assistant and look in the lost property box in each school year. We will do our utmost to find lost items but we are unable to provide a replacement.

We offer varied support in the transition from primary to secondary school. This process includes a parent's meeting, workshops and transition booklets.

Due to our geographical location, our pupils go on to various secondary schools across Warrington, including Kings Leadership Academy, Beamont Collegiate Academy and Padgate High School. More to be seen on our High School Links page.

Usually, children join Reception class in the September before their fifth birthday.

Please read our Admissions section here, or for further advice speak to a member of staff at the school office.

No, we normally discourage children from bringing toys into school, unless the class teacher has specifically requested that they do. Please always check with the class teacher.

We discourage parents from trying to talk to the class teacher in the morning, as they are busy preparing for the day.

We would advise parents to speak to the teacher at the end of the school day, once all the children have been dismissed. We can also make appointments with staff via the school office.

We have lots of clubs on offer for our learners. These include yoga, dance, football and more.

Please contact the school office for our most recent timetable.

Wasps Childcare provide breakfast club and after school club, based at St Ann's Primary School. The team bring and collect the children before and after school. Please visit their website here for further information, or telephone 01925 818689.

We encourage parents to get involved in various ways, from attending trips to individual reading. 

We have a PTA who welcome new members with new ideas and contacts. If you work for a company that is able to sponsor or donate to fundraising in school, please email beamont.office@wpat.uk

Our parents evenings are held face to face.

Our building is an old one, but we have worked hard to make it more accessible over the years.

  • The main building is fully accessible on the ground level, with ramps outside and an internal platform lift on the ground floor (where two old buildings were originally joined together)
  • There are a number of accessible toilets for children and adults situated around the school
  • We have a disabled parking bay near the main entrance, from which there is a ramp to access the main building using the automatic door
  • There is a lift to the first floor from the junior end of the building. A ramp lift is installed in the conservatory area to make the steps there more accessible
  • As a school, we are happy to discuss individual access requirements and we will make reasonable adjustments wherever possible. We carefully consider the layout and use of the building in relation to the needs of the individual child in order to meet their needs appropriately