Design Technology

At Beamont, our Design Technology curriculum is designed to develop children’s skills and knowledge in design, structures, mechanisms, electrical control and a range of materials, including food. It encourages children’s creativity and encourages them to think about important issues and prepare children for the on-going innovations and developments in our world. Therefore, through our curriculum design, the delivery of the subject has a powerful reduction on the impact of social disadvantage by delivering a rich, ambitious curriculum to all pupils which includes a wide variety of tools to expand our pupil’s cultural capital.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many challenges, but through careful consideration, the Design Technology curriculum has been revised to address delays and gaps in both knowledge and skills due to remote learning whilst covering new material.
  • This has been achieved by looking at our curriculum design and identifying which aspects of the curriculum have either not been taught, or taught remotely to ensure they are embedded next academic year.
  • This will also be identified by frequent opportunities for short-term, medium-term and long-term retrieval which will allow teachers at Beamont to identify gaps in knowledge but also embed new knowledge.
  • Our curriculum provides the architectural structure upon which we hang the key concepts that underpin the identification of knowledge to be taught to children. We have formulated clear end goals for Design Technology for each year group, charting the knowledge and skills we expect all children to know, say and do by the identified end points.

Beamont follows a clear skills progression document which outlines the progression of skill in designing, making and evaluating a product from year 1 to year 6. This ensures that whilst gaining the relevant knowledge in each year to enable them to grow to be informed citizens, they also develop an arsenal of key life-skills.

At Beamont, we intend to embrace and exploit the EYFS framework which clearly identifies and strengthens the role of design and technology. It is specifically named in the area of learning ‘Expressive Arts and Design’ and it is clear that D&T makes an important contribution to children’s development in all seven areas of learning.

We use the National Curriculum to plan our DT curriculum.


Design & Technology Curriculum Intent



DT Long Term Plan




Please note, these are version 2 - November 2021