Parents/Carers » Attendance
Children need to attend regularly to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. Research shows that attendance and punctuality are improtant factors in school success.
Parents can support regular school attendance by:
- Making sure their child leaves for school early enough to arrive at school on time
- Supporting and encouraging their child by attending parent’s evenings and other events
- Contacting the school to discuss any concerns regarding their child’s attendance
- Working in partnership with the school to resolve any issues that are impacting on their child’s attendance
- Making any medical appointments outside of school hours whenever possible
- Not taking children out of school for holidays in term time or for other unnecessary reasons
Persistent Absence and Unauthorised Absence
We take a proactive approach to improving the attendance of individual children whose attendance falls below 95%. Children who have less than 90% attendance are classed by the Department for Education as being persistently absent. We will communicate concerns about poor attendance to parents and use an escalating approach including letters, meetings in school and/or a referral to the Attendance Team at Warrington Borough Council, in order to support parents in improving attendance.